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Student Complaint Policy and Procedures


Southwestern Oklahoma State University has several methods of providing students with the process to file an appeal, file a grievance, or file a complaint. The common elements of each process is that the process:

  1. Has a specific procedure in which the university responds to the appeal, grievance, or complaint
  2. Abides by university, state, federal, or Higher Learning Commission requirements
  3. Identifies an office or person who oversees the process and keeps an institutional record of the appeal, grievance, or complaint
  4. Sets a time limit by which the university must respond to the appeal, grievance, and complaint.

All procedures are reviewed by appropriate offices and the university’s Executive Compliance Committee, which meets each month to review university policies.

The following links provide the procedures in which a student may file an appeal, grievance, or complaint. Additionally, much of these procedures are located in the Student Handbook.

  • Higher Learning Commission Student Complaint Procedure
  • Americans with Disabilities Act Amendment Act Student Grievance Procedure
  • Sexual Harassment Complaint Process
  • Working Conditions Complaint Process
  • FERPA Complaint Process
  • Student Academic Appeals Procedure
  • Appeals Process for Student Conduct Sanctions


The following links and policies detail the different procedures for student complaints.

Higher Learning Commission Student Complaint Procedure 

  1. Students, faculty, staff and members of the public may submit a complaint about an HLC-accredited institution. SWOSU is accredited by HLC, which accredits degree-granting post-secondary educational institutions in a 19-state region.
  2. A complaint regarding an HLC-affiliated institution must be submitted using this form:
  3. HLC will initially review the complaint within 30 days of its receipt. The complainant will be notified upon conclusion of this initial review. This notification will provide information on any next steps, if applicable.
  4. If HLC determines a complaint warrants further consideration, the complaint, including related documentation as applicable, will be forwarded to the institution for review and response.
  5. The complaint is kept by SWOSU’s Associate Provost. Upon receipt of the complaint, the Associate Provost will review the complaint with the Executive Council and other appropriate personnel.

Method in which student complaints are received: Completion of HLC Complaint.

Method in which complaints are kept and tracked: All HLC Student Complaints are kept on file by the Associate Provost.

Guideline for which complaints are handled in a timely manner: The Associate Provost will provide HLC with a written response to the complaint within 30 days.

Source: Student Complaint Policy and Procedure

Note: No student complaints since last re-accreditation.

Americans with Disabilities Act Amendment Act Student Grievance Procedure

ADAAA section of Student Handbook

Method in which student complaints are received: If a student with a disability believes that faculty members have not provided the appropriate accommodations, he or she may file a grievance with the Dean of Students. If a student does not believe their accommodation request has been fulfilled in a reasonable manner by the Dean of Students, the student may file an appeal with the Vice President for Student Services.

Method in which complaints are kept and tracked: Dean of Students will keep and track grievances; appeals will be kept in the VPSA office.

Guideline for which complaints are handled in a timely manner:

  1. The ADAAA Officer (SWOSU Dean of Students) assists students so that SWOSU can provide reasonable accommodation. Students must take the verifying documentation, provided by a qualified professional, to the Dean of Students. A full list of services to students with disabilities may be found on the Dean of Students’ (DOS) website.
  2. The student should meet with the Dean of Students to discuss needs and receive specific accommodation options. Students or the Dean of Students will then provide their accommodations to faculty and discuss how they will be adopted in class. Accommodations cannot be retroactive and begin only after verifying documentation from a qualified professional is received and reasonable time for accommodation development has been allowed.
  3. If a student with a disability believes that faculty members have not provided the appropriate accommodations, he or she may file a grievance with the Dean of Students. If a student does not believe their accommodation request has been fulfilled in a reasonable manner by the Dean of Students, the student may file an appeal with the Vice President for Student Services.
  4. Complaints submitted under this procedure shall receive a prompt response from the Dean of Students.
  5. Complaints will be investigated.
  6. Adjustments to accommodations and course materials will be made, as needed.
  7. Following the report of a complaint, unless extenuating or unforeseen circumstances arise, the complaint will take no longer than 14 calendar days to resolve.

Sexual Harassment Complaint Process

Title IX Policies and Procedures Handbook

SWOSU values student participation and recognizes Title IX in addressing issues related to sexual harassment and sexual violence. To address instances of sexual harassment, and to ensure an educational environment free of harassment and discrimination, SWOSU has developed the Title IX Policies & Procedures Handbook to address conduct violations under the policies held therein. These policies and procedures ensure a fair and prompt due process for Complainants and Respondents under Title IX guidance.

This policy is in addition to the current Board and university policies concerning discrimination and applies to students, faculty, staff, guests and visitors. Complaints alleging prohibited sexual conduct with a student or employee, sexual violence, or other violation of the sexual harassment policy will be reviewed and investigated by the appropriate university office.

Method in which student complaints are received: Completion of Discrimination/Harassment Reporting Form or Sexual Assault Reporting Form.

Method in which complaints are kept and tracked: Dean of Students will keep and track grievances.

Guideline for which complaints are handled in a timely manner:

  1. For cases that do not include Informal Resolutions a Hearing will be scheduled on a date no later than thirty (30) operating days following the request for a Hearing. The Hearing Chair shall convene a hearing unless unanticipated or significant circumstances prevent this. All hearings are closed and information presented in them and all supporting documents are confidential.
  1. No request for new witnesses and/or evidence may be presented at the Hearing unless the Chair receives notification and approves the request at least 5 days prior to the scheduled Hearing. During the Hearing, the Complainant and Respondent have an opportunity to offer evidence and cross-examine with the assistance of their Process Advisor.
  2. An appeal may only be submitted if there is newly discovered evidence, suspected bias, or allegation of conflict of interest that affected the outcome of the Hearing. Within thirty (30) operating days of an appeal request, an appeal meeting will be scheduled unless unanticipated or significant circumstances prevent this. The Vice President of Student Services will provide the appeal request and the corresponding report to the Appeals Committee no later than five (5) operating days prior to the scheduled appeal meeting.

Working Conditions Complaint Process

Working Conditions Grievance Procedure

Method in which student complaints are received:

  1. Informal Grievance: Employees are encouraged to resolve matters in an informal manner. The following steps are suggested to resolve questions or employment dissatisfaction in an informal manner:
  2. SWOSU uses an open door policy to resolve issues that cause concern with work conditions, university policy, safety and other matters. It is often the case that the supervisor closest to the matter is best suited to resolve the issue. Thus, individuals are encouraged to seek direction from their immediate supervisor to resolve concerns as they arise. However, should an employee’s supervisor not address the matter to an individual’s satisfaction or should an individual prefer, they may contact an administrator in their supervisors chain-of-command, HR and/or a senior administrator.
  3. Formal Grievance: A formal complaint may be presented due to the dissatisfaction that occurs when an employee believes a condition of their employment is unjust, inequitable or a substantial hindrance to effective operation. The employee shall present the facts, in writing, to the Vice President of Human Resources.  A formal complaint must contain the following:
    1. a clear, detailed, signed and dated statement of the complaint,
    2. a summary outlining with whom the points of dissatisfaction were discussed and what results were realized from these discussions and
    3. the specific remedial action or relief sought.

Method in which complaints are kept and tracked: The Vice President of Human Resources or appropriate designee will consider the formal grievance. A written response will be provided to the employee.

Guideline for which complaints are handled in a timely manner: Should the employee so desire, an appeal may be filed with the Vice President of Administration and Finance within 10 working days.

FERPA Complaint Process

Student Handbook FERPA section

Method in which student complaints are received: Filing of complaint through Family Policy Compliance Office.

Method in which complaints are kept and tracked: Dean of Students will keep and track grievances.

Guideline for which complaints are handled in a timely manner: (new wording in red)

The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by Southwestern Oklahoma State University to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA are:

Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202-4605

  1. Complaints submitted under this procedure shall receive a prompt response from the Dean of Students.
  2. Complaints will be investigated.
  3. Following the report of a complaint, unless extenuating or unforeseen circumstances arise, the complaint will take no longer than 14 calendar days to resolve.

Student Academic Appeals Procedure

Student Handbook Academic Appeals Procedure

Method in which student complaints are received: Completion of Application for Academic Appeal.

Method in which complaints are kept and tracked: All Student Academic Appeals are kept on file by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Guideline for which complaints are handled in a timely manner:

  1. The student must exhaust all appeal requirements of the academic department from which the appeal is made before the student may file an appeal with the Academic Appeals Committee. Any appeal made by a student to the committee will be denied by the committee if the student has not exhausted all departmental appeal procedures.
  2. With the exception of a Request to Change a Grade to a Withdrawal (W), the student must exhaust the following university administrative remedies before filing a written Application for Academic Appeal of a course grade unless they are included in the departmental appeals procedure:
  3. The student must discuss the issue with the course instructor. If the issue is not resolved to the satisfaction of the student, the student must proceed to the next step.
  4. The student must discuss the issue with the chair of the appropriate department. If the instructor assigning the grade has left the university before the start of the appeal, the department chairperson shall represent the instructor in the appeal process. If the chair of the department is directly involved in the matter, or if the issue is not resolved to the satisfaction of the student, the student must proceed to the next step.
  5. The student must discuss the issue with the associate dean/dean of the school in which the course is taught. If the dean is directly involved in the matter, or if the issue is not resolved to the satisfaction of the student, the student may file a written Application for Academic Appeal.
  1. Upon receipt of the completed APPLICATION FOR ACADEMIC APPEAL form, the Office of the Provost will notify the instructor, departmental chair, dean of the school, and appeal committee members within ten (10) class days.
  2. The committee will convene within fifteen (15) class days after the beginning of the semester following the receipt of the appeal notice from the Office of the Provost. Notice will be given to the parties involved by university mail or United States mail or personal communication from the committee chairperson.  (Written record of the communication by the chair or the phone conversation followed by written confirmation)
  3. After consideration of the evidence and testimony presented at the hearing, the committee will make one of the following recommendations on the matter to the Provost within thirty (30) days after convening.
  4. The committee will notify the student and instructor of its recommendation within five (5) class days by certified mail, restricted delivery, return receipt requested. A copy of the recommendations will be sent to the dean and department chair through campus mail. 

Appeals Process for Student Conduct Sanctions:

Student Code of Conduct Disciplinary Actions Appeal Request

Method in which student complaints are received: To initiate an appeal, a student must make the request. The request and reason for appeal shall be submitted to the Vice President of Student Services. The appeal request must be delivered within 3 days after the original disciplinary decision was sent by the university.

Method in which complaints are kept and tracked: Vice President for Student Services will keep and track grievances.

Guideline for which complaints are handled in a timely manner: The committee shall convene within thirty (30) days of a request, unless unforeseen and extenuating circumstances prevent this.

If the student appeals a decision of suspension, expulsion, degree revocation, or rescission of credit, the decision will not become effective until after a Hearing before the Committee unless a temporary suspension remains in place in accordance with the policies herein.

The Appeals Committee will have no less than three members. The Committee will include the Vice President of Student Services as the Committee Chair. Two other members may include any number of other administrators, faculty, and staff, and may include no more than one student. The chair of the Committee will present the investigation report to other committee members. The Committee will determine whether or not it believes the accused student is responsible for a violation of the regulations and, if so, whether the penalties determined by the Investigator are reasonable. The Committee Hearing will result in one of two outcomes:

  1. that the Investigator’s determination is affirmed; or
  2. that the Investigator’s determination is modified or reversed.

The Committee’s decision shall be final.