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O. Professional Liability Insurance

Professional liability insurance is mandatory for pharmacy practice rotations.

Required insurance coverage is $1,000,000 per Occurrence and $3,000,000 Aggregate. Fees paid by the student to the COP will be used to purchase professional liability insurance for each student in the above amounts.

It is each student’s responsibility to make sure he/she has received their policy and that it is renewed each year they are enrolled in the COP. Proof of current professional liability insurance is required for EE rotations and must be kept in the student portfolio and be produced if requested. The student can be removed from rotations if he/she is unable to provide documentation of current professional liability coverage.

Any student, who fails to meet these requirements as set by the OEE, will experience a consequence for failing to complete and/or provide documentation per the regulations and deadlines set by the OEE. (See specific consequences outlined in the students section.)